15 of 276 (5.4%) Loans Sold by: First Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearFirst Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff28088.6076
Mortgage Bank, Credit Union, or Finance CompanyFirst Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff3410.7595
OtherFirst Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff20.6329

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
FIRST COMMUNITY MORTGAGE, INC.First Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff5225000.033.3333Detail
AmeriHome Mortgage Company, LLCFirst Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff4192500.026.6667Detail
Members Mortgage Services, L.L.C.First Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff4152500.026.6667Detail
HOME POINT FINANCIAL CORPORATIONFirst Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff1275000.06.6667Detail
VILLAGE CAPITAL & INVESTMENT LLCFirst Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff195000.06.6667Detail

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