16 of 486 (3.3%) Loans Sold by: The Honesdale National Bank

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearThe Honesdale National Bank57186.5152
Fannie MaeThe Honesdale National Bank7811.8182
Commercial Bank or Savings BankThe Honesdale National Bank101.5152
OtherThe Honesdale National Bank10.1515

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLCThe Honesdale National Bank4175000.025.0000Detail
Truist BankThe Honesdale National Bank3101666.66666718.7500Detail
AmeriHome Mortgage Company, LLCThe Honesdale National Bank2135000.012.5000Detail
MidFirst BankThe Honesdale National Bank2100000.012.5000Detail
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationThe Honesdale National Bank255000.012.5000Detail
NEWREZ LLCThe Honesdale National Bank1325000.06.2500Detail
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National AssociationThe Honesdale National Bank1115000.06.2500Detail
PHH Mortgage CorporationThe Honesdale National Bank1175000.06.2500Detail

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