6 of 122 (4.9%) Loans Sold by: Cedar Point Federal Credit Union

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearCedar Point Federal Credit Union210100.0000

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
MidFirst BankCedar Point Federal Credit Union2155000.033.3333Detail
VANDERBILT MORTGAGE AND FINANCE, INC.Cedar Point Federal Credit Union115000.016.6667Detail
NEWREZ LLCCedar Point Federal Credit Union1585000.016.6667Detail
U.S. Bank National AssociationCedar Point Federal Credit Union1245000.016.6667Detail
Truist BankCedar Point Federal Credit Union1385000.016.6667Detail

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