30 of 314 (9.6%) Loans Sold by: Farmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach

PurchaserOriginator (Seller)# Loans%
Loan not originated or not sold in calendar yearFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach29897.0684
Mortgage Bank, Credit Union, or Finance CompanyFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach82.6059
Commercial Bank or Savings BankFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach10.3257

Correspondent (Buyer)Originator (Seller)# LoansAverage LoanMarket Share
HOME POINT FINANCIAL CORPORATIONFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach7332142.85714323.3333Detail
AmeriHome Mortgage Company, LLCFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach5539000.016.6667Detail
Wells Fargo Bank, National AssociationFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach2495000.06.6667Detail
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National AssociationFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach2175000.06.6667Detail
NexBankFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach21020000.06.6667Detail
PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, LLCFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1445000.03.3333Detail
PHH Mortgage CorporationFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1195000.03.3333Detail
Citibank, National AssociationFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1235000.03.3333Detail
TIAA, FSBFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1985000.03.3333Detail
LONGBRIDGE FINANCIAL, LLCFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1505000.03.3333Detail
Charles Schwab Bank, SSBFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1205000.03.3333Detail
UNITED SHORE FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLCFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1685000.03.3333Detail
NEWREZ LLCFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1355000.03.3333Detail
LENDING 3, INC.Farmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1585000.03.3333Detail
Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSBFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1145000.03.3333Detail
PLANET HOME LENDING, LLCFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach1585000.03.3333Detail
Raymond James BankFarmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach11405000.03.3333Detail

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